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- Westminster Campus Concurrent Enrollment
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- Westminster Campus Concurrent Enrollment
- Counselors
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Counselors are Key
Concurrent enrollment provides opportunities for high school students to work towards or complete a certificate or degree.
Counselors play a key role in the program, including identifying students, helping with course selection based on a student's ICAP, and partnering with FRCC around enrollment and student concerns. Concurrent enrollment is intended for students with varied goals, including those who plan to transfer to a four-year institution and those who may not see themselves as college-bound.
Our concurrent enrollment team is available to help with presentations about concurrent enrollment, placement testing, course registration, advising and general college support. Please contact staff at any time for questions or student needs.
Students are encouraged to use concurrent enrollment as an opportunity to take classes that most directly apply to their future goals. FRCC has adopted six Career and Academic Communities to help students identify with future goals and take courses that will most directly apply to their post-secondary plans.
Whether classes are through the State of Colorado, transfer degrees or that help students earn a credential and prepare them for the workforce, concurrent enrollment is meant to help students reduce time and cost of college after high school.
Our concurrent enrollment counselors are happy to visit your school at any time to help advise students on classes choices and discuss their post-secondary plans.
Enrollment Steps
Students complete steps to apply for admission and register for classes as a traditional student.
Students are welcome to take concurrent enrollment classes in high school regardless
of residency. Because students are under age 23, they will be required to provide
some parent/guardian information on the FRCC admission application. The information
provided is not shared or used for any purposes other than to determine if a student
qualifies for resident tuition or non-resident tuition rates after high school.
Registering for Classes
Students register for classes in their FRCC account before the class starts each semester.
Please pay special attention to registration deadlines FRCC has posted for students each semester. Not sure which ones apply to your students? Please contact the Concurrent Enrollment staff for more information.