
In this Section

Welcome Back to Concurrent Enrollment

Our staff is happy to help you discuss classes or access support in your classes any time you need. To schedule an appointment to meet with a staff member, call 303-404-5089.

Be sure to complete a Concurrent Enrollment form each semester you enroll.


The classes you take now begin your official college transcript and may be used toward the completion of a future degree or certificate.

See more information about FRCC's programs.

You will register for classes in  See how below:

How to Add Classes


Student Support Resources

FRCC has a number of resources to help students be successful in their classes.  Check out:

FRCC's Disability Support Services office is available to meet with students seeking accommodations.  Accommodations received in high school classes, may or may not apply in college classes.  Please contact Disability Services for more information about accommodations.

Scholarships & Financial Aid

Please note that students are eligible for financial aid and scholarships upon graduating high school; while in high school, students are responsible for any costs associated with their classes and do not qualify for financial aid
Looking for scholarships for college after high school?  See our scholarship page to see what scholarships are available. Financial Aid is also available by completing the FAFSA.


The grades that students receive in concurrent enrollment classes may affect their financial aid eligibility in the future.  Students are encouraged to understand requirements for Satisfactory Academic Progress.

Student Rights & Responsibilities

Student enrolled in FRCC classes are responsible for abiding by all policies set forth in the Student Code of Conduct. If you ever have questions about your rights and responsibilities, please contact FRCC staff.


All concurrent enrollment classes will appear on your official FRCC transcript.

You may order your official transcript online through . Transcripts can be sent electronically or in the mail for $3.

FRCC After High School

Continuing at FRCC after high school? Concurrent enrollment students are encouraged to continue at FRCC after high school to complete a degree or certificate, or take additional classes that will transfer to a 4 year institution. Our academic advising staff members are here to help you with future class planning. Contact academic advising to talk with an advisor about continuing at FRCC.

Contact Us

Westminster Campus Concurrent Enrollment

303-404-5089 | Email Us